Emergency Preparedness Blog — springtime prepping RSS

Things You Should Know Before Growing a Garden in Your Apartment

Orders/More Info: CALL | EMAIL Being a prepper living in a city apartment isn’t always easy; you have less space to prepare and you have to get your landlord’s permission to do a lot of the things you’d like to in order to prepare for when the SHTF. In this situation, a bug out bag can only get you so […] Orders/More Info: CALL | EMAIL (c)Copyright 2017 Well Prepared

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Getting the Skeptics to Prepare for Survival

Orders/More Info: CALL | EMAIL It’s one thing to know that you need to prepare for the next hurricane, earthquake, climate change, tornado or economic calamity. These disasters are not only commonplace, but there are a lot of really basic skills and supplies that will get anyone through those situations, and most people can acquire them with a little work. […] Orders/More Info: CALL | EMAIL (c)Copyright 2017 Well Prepared

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Boost Your Preparedness Budget With Homemade Soap

Orders/More Info: CALL | EMAIL We recognize that most preppers are not the “move to the hills, SHTF” type of people but rather every day folks who are looking for more security and tools right where they live, whether it’s an urban or suburban area. These types of people want to know what they can do to prepare without needing […] Orders/More Info: CALL | EMAIL (c)Copyright 2017 Well Prepared

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DIY Prepping: Make Mosquito Repellent

Orders/More Info: CALL | EMAIL Garlic is not only a tasty spice to add to bread, spaghetti, or other food dish, it turns out it’s also quite useful when you’re looking to be well prepared for trekking, camping, or homesteading in the wilderness, particularly if there’s a swamp or moisture nearby. That’s because garlic can be utilized to repel mosquitoes, […] Orders/More Info: CALL | EMAIL (c)Copyright 2017 Well Prepared

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Dandelions: The Ultimate Prepper Food Source?

Orders/More Info: CALL | EMAIL Okay, so they may be pesky weeds that deserve a painful death by spraying to most people, but in certain situations, dandelions can literally mean the difference between life and death. If you like to eat any other types of greens (raw or cooked), like spinach, lettuce, collards, kale or arugula, you should try eating […] Orders/More Info: CALL | EMAIL (c)Copyright 2017 Well Prepared

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